Normally I like to present myself nicely especially when at school, but this past week is definitely an exception. Considering the past few weeks have been stressful at school, which means staying up for long periods of time working on school projects, not sleeping, not eating much and consequently not having the most consideration for my appearance. So I am going to discuss what I normally try to dress like on a daily basis when I’m not over worked, stressed and tired.
I think my clothes tell people that I care about my body and my appearance. I try to look as “put together” as possible when out in public- meaning I don’t want people to look at me with pity or disgust because I look like a slob. I try my best to have my own style with the help of traditional clothing brands and companies. I am not the type of person who only buys a certain brand or style. I try to fit the occasion, season, and my personal feelings for the day. I think most people would say I have a laid back, beach style with a modern and hip flair. I think some people read my style as trendy and up-to date but not to look like I’m trying too hard. That’s what I’m going for anyways.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
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