Monday, April 20, 2009

Discovering Politics

When thinking of my early memories of politics, the Clinton scandal comes to mind. I remember my parents watching the news reporting Clinton’s private life, sitting there in shock almost. Or maybe I was just the one in shock. My adolescent knowledge of politics were very naive of course, which is why I was surprised why people cared so much what he did outside the office. I didn’t understand why this was important to the American people. I was under the impression that political figures could perform their jobs and not be criticized for their private life troubles. I thought politicians especially would have a clear separation between their social, business, and private lives. I remember feeling kind of bad for Clinton because his personal problems were blasted all over the news. During that time you couldn’t get away from the Clinton affair if you tried. However, I quickly learned that most public figures do not have much of a private life, due to the media. Definitely the most memorable moment was his notorious claim, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Younger, I thought politics was about politics. I didn’t understand much about it but I thought politician stuck to their tasks and didn’t venture off into tangents about private lives, secret alliances and whatever else goes on behind closed doors. This interested me to learn more about the American political system and government and the way they work alongside the media.

Seeing Gender

DeBeers has a diamond ad which is directed towards women with enough money to indulge themselves in fine jewelry without waiting for a man to do it.
On the one hand, they insist that women be authoritative in getting what they want, recognize the independent parts of themselves, and celebrate their femininity. On the other hand, there is the implication that in order to celebrate your womanhood in this way, you must already fit a certain standard of woman: “your left hand rocks the cradle”, “your left hand celebrates the day you were married”, “your left hand says ‘we’”, “your left hand says you’re taken”, “your left hand believes in shining armor”. In some of the advertisements, the model’s wedding band is displayed as her left hand is folded demurely in her lap or resting on a table. De Beers is clearly defining “women of the world” to mean romantic, married, heterosexual mothers with enough disposable income to indulge oneself in diamonds. Furthermore, De Beers’ Ameri-centric slogan “women of the world, raise your right hand” directly contradicts itself: many Jews, Muslims, and Orthodox Christians wear wedding bands on the right hand, as do citizens of India, Spain, Venezuela, Germany, Russia, and most of Eastern Europe.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Forming a Style

Normally I like to present myself nicely especially when at school, but this past week is definitely an exception. Considering the past few weeks have been stressful at school, which means staying up for long periods of time working on school projects, not sleeping, not eating much and consequently not having the most consideration for my appearance. So I am going to discuss what I normally try to dress like on a daily basis when I’m not over worked, stressed and tired.
I think my clothes tell people that I care about my body and my appearance. I try to look as “put together” as possible when out in public- meaning I don’t want people to look at me with pity or disgust because I look like a slob. I try my best to have my own style with the help of traditional clothing brands and companies. I am not the type of person who only buys a certain brand or style. I try to fit the occasion, season, and my personal feelings for the day. I think most people would say I have a laid back, beach style with a modern and hip flair. I think some people read my style as trendy and up-to date but not to look like I’m trying too hard. That’s what I’m going for anyways.

Interpreting Technologies

My iPod is my essential technological device. With my iPod I run through the downtown area listening to music to keep me going, I walk my dog on the beach and listen to music to relax me, which relaxes my dog. When I drive my car, my iPod is right next to me plugged into the radio so I can have my personal selection of music at hand. Running with my iPod has changed the way I look at different landscapes in town. When I run in at dusk and watch the sky change colors, the music I’m listening to (whatever that may be) enhances my visual experience. Listening to my iPod while running has changed my running experiences into positives ones. I used to not enjoy running and exercising as much until I started bringing my iPod along. Being able to listen to music while running keeps me motivated and positive about exercising. Having an iPod by my side when doing these usually boring and painstaking routines, makes it fun and worthwhile because I can be inspired with the music it plays.

Reading Places

A place that I am all too familiar with is the Proctor Library.
Who is saying what to whom and through what medium?
Well, in the library it can be a few different things- mostly its students discussing school matters with other students or faculty, verbally. Other cases its students or faculty communicating via internet, email or instant chatting, assumingly about school business but about other matters as well. One can communicate with the librarians through the Flagler library system on any questions that arise about the library search engines or other library matters. Students and faculty communicate face to face in private offices on matters of their own academic standing and whatnot.
For what reason and with what effect?
People are communicating in the Proctor library for many different reasons, the main one being to get school work done and or discuss with a professor about school. The effect is different when over the internet then face to face. Discussing a problem or even any subject matter can be nerve-wracking for some people and they would rather discuss this through email. Sitting in front of a person, especially a professor or administrator is initimidating for some but for others, their thoughts and expressions come out more clearly when communicating face to face. Entering the Library is a bit intimidating itself. To me the library means a professional place where work is to be done and business is to be discussed.

Connecting with Celebrities

My fantasy celebrity relationship would be with, hands down, Justin Timberlake. I chose him because of his composure in the spotlight, talent, and his accomplishments. Justin Timberlake is one of the music industry’s most successful stars and one of the most famous people on the planet. What intrigues me the most is his ability/ desire to stay out of the spotlight when possible. In a world with paparazzi he is able to keep his private life under the radar. I respect him both as an artist and as a person for not falling into the back holes of Hollywood. He is able to be extremely famous, wealthy, attractive and talented without being a failure as a person, unlike so many other celebs getting busted for drugs on the front page of the paper and so on. He has won many musical awards for writing, producing and performing while being a business entrepreneur as well. Justin Timberlake also intrigues me because I almost feel like I grew up along side of him. I watched him start out in N’SYNC as a curly-haired awkward teenager, singing cheesy girly songs and grow into the stylish, talented man he is today. AS he was growing and changing so was I, along with his music. Maybe in the back of my mind I’m thinking I can do the same-start from one small thing and evolve into something totally different while being successful and having caring people around me, and be able to control who I don’t want around (paparazzi, when that time comes).

Identifying with Music

Music fits into most aspects of my life and each has its own soundtrack. I can identify music to certain moments, events, and time periods in my life. The music I choose to listen to on a certain day depends on my mood, location, and who I am with. When I’m at the beach with friends on a hot summer day sunbathing in a bikini, I would prefer mellow, easy-listening music like folk, reggae, classic rock or something of the kind. Listening to music of this kind reminds me of those times and how good they felt. Or like when I was in Paris during the rainy winter season bundled up head to toe, I was listening to an array of fast- paced depressing, underground French music-mainly house music for the too-cool Parisians dressed in label-less clothing to make some sort of statement. Then at times I find myself singing along to the top 40 charts, wearing a dress from the Gap and wondering if I’m having an identity crisis. Although listen to most kinds of music (minus heavy/death metal, country and show tunes) the one I identify with the most is what I have in common with friends. Going to concerts with friends is one of my favorite things to do. Citizen Cope, The Starting Line, 311, Damien Marley, Marley Fest Warped Tour, the Suwannee River Music Fest, and Justin Timberlake are among my most memorable shows. I’d like to think that a nice variety of music and people who like them too. With that said, I’d also like to think that my open-mindedness in music reflects in my personality and lifestyle.


When I want to escape the world as I know it, I watch movies. Watching movies of any genre, fiction or non-fiction, lets me see into the world of someone or something else. When I think of the word escape, I think of a type of movie that would let me feel free and open minded. It would give me a free spirited, positive attitude toward life, freeing my cluttered mind. I feel the need to escape when my life becomes too hectic or complicated to handle. Watching movies lets me escape the troubles of my real world and enter briefly into the life of something else, something less complicated. This media outlet puts me into a reality that isn’t mine; therefore there is no worry or anxiety placed on my part. I am simply an onlooker. Escaping for me is desired sometimes. I don’t want to escape my life through media all the time, but when I do its normally because my mind is stressing and racing with my problems so I use movies to let my mind forget about my problems and focus on something else. Escape is possible but only for a short period of time. As soon as the movie is turning off, the feeling of escape is gone. The endless variety of movies makes escaping my life feel like its always possible.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Keeping in Touch

As discussed in the first blog, keeping touch with friends and family members through media is what is most important to me. However, another large part of my media use is keeping up with worldly happenings, and maybe some not so important happenings. I get my information from the internet, being that I don’t have cable at my house. I thought this would restrict my flow of information but it really hasn’t. It’s really only forced me to look for information on my own, but its information that I choose to research.
The news that is important to me is that of local content and news from Paris and Tokyo. Not only does Tokyo have innovative technology, architecture, and a plasma screen in downtown Tokyo named the “Super Lisa”, but my only sister lives there! I had no desire to stay informed on Japanese news until I had a connection to it through my sister. Keeping in touch with Tokyo’s news and culture makes me feel a part of my sister’s life. Without the internet available to research their culture, I would have no understanding of the everyday life my sister’s experiences. That would be a very disturbing feeling; not knowing what kind of place my sister lives in. On the same note, I do feel guilty when I don’t keep in touch with my sister often. Like if I see pictures of her that have been online for a week or two that I haven’t seen, I feel really guilty for not seeing them the first day.
I also stay informed with Parisian news. I studied abroad in Paris and absolutely fell in love with the country and the city itself. I enjoy reading in French to stay up to date with local events and happenings. This makes me feel as if I’m still there living the Parisian life. I also like to read in French to keep my knowledge of the language. To get a really warm and fuzzy French feeling inside, I rent movies in French, normally a sappy love story set in Paris. I enjoy seeing the different neighborhoods of Paris, and listening to the language. The media connects me to Paris in ways that aren’t possible unless actually there. I can kind of understand when people say that they don’t use media often because they’re not thinking about the computer, or internet when sitting in front of it, they’re thinking about the images and text in which the media displays and what that means to them. You don’t have a direct connection with the media equipment itself, but what the tools can produce for you.

A Day in the Life

Being a communications major, I am no stranger to the addiction of media. I myself am no exception either. Indulging in media throughout my daily routine is normal of me and most people I know.
My day starts off with waking up to my alarm, which is my cell phone with a personalized ring tone, Justin Timberlake of course, but that’s a whole other subject. Then I check my phone for missed calls, texts, or events that I planned in my phone. Usually, I hear my phone ringing so I don’t miss many calls and I know this but I still check it anyways, out of habit of course.
Once I realize I check my phone habitually even if I know it hasn’t rang, I start to think how my life would be without this one connection to the world. The cell phone—correction, MY cell phone—only offers me two way communication with people I want to talk to. It doesn’t necessarily give me vital information about the world, or anything of substance. It simply connects me to the people I love, which in a sense is very important. The phone itself is nothing but what it connects me to is very important, so with a day without it would be very odd just because I’m so used to having it by my side. I’m definitely addicted to my cell phone, which I think most young people my age would say.
Another daily routine of mine is to go online. I check my email first and catch up on the news sent to me from NY Times and delete the ridiculous emails my Mom sends me. Then I normally check my Facebook, yes I’m addicted to this as well, to check up on my sister who lives in Tokyo. The internet is how I keep in touch with her mostly so without that I would be completely out of touch with her.
Then, I stop to think that I use both the phone and internet to mainly connect me with people I care about. I think this says about me that I want to stay in the lives of my family and friends across the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m leaving out a big chunk of my media using, but mainly I use media for that purpose. I do have many guilty pleasures of media, but my first instinct of its use is to connect with family and friends.